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National AAAAA level scenic spots,Chinese Shuikou garden the first village

Briefing of Gites de France Tangmo

  “Gites de France” is the leading force in French rural tourism. Gites de France Tangmo is the demonstrative project in the international rural tourism collaboration between Anhui Tourism Group and Francis Comte of France....


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  • Attractions Mito

Foreign friends in Tangmomore
  • The French friends in the Tang

  • The French friends in the Tang

  • The French friends in the Tang

  • The French friends in the Tang

  • The French friends in the Tang

  • The French friends in the Tang

  • The French friends in the Tang

  • The French friends in the Tang

Micro letter
Sweep Met Tangmo

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Address:Tangmo,Huizhou,Huangshan,Anhui TEL:0086-0559-3548888/3539091 FAX:0086-0559-3539091
浏阳市| 丰顺县| 锦州市| 深泽县| 辽阳县| 绥滨县| 高陵县| 岳池县| 永胜县| 临城县| 郁南县| 化州市| 安丘市| 赤峰市| 沙湾县| 滦南县| 滦平县| 克东县| 普定县| 江陵县| 平和县| 临漳县| 喀什市| 德保县| 革吉县| 泊头市| 广德县| 昭平县| 中超| 巧家县| 忻州市| 和林格尔县| 攀枝花市| 临邑县| 永清县| 湾仔区| 青河县| 平塘县| 景德镇市| 宜丰县| 翼城县|